No Rice Ragi Idly

What is this Ragi Idly is already famous why this recipe again? You may think. Normally yes everyone make's ragi Idly with some quantity of rice or rice flour, this is different there is no rice or rice flour added in this recipe instead I have added one of the not much known Barnyard millet which is always a best substitute for rice. You can cook this like Rice and eat it with sambar, rasam, curd it taste almost like rice only size is small. In Bangalore this barnyard millet is now available in Organic stores only. In Tamilnadu it is available in all bigger supermarkets Now a days it is really sad to say that all this millet product even millet snacks are bought by people who have some disease like diabetics, BP, Cholesterol. Even shop people say mam this is good for diabetics and so and so, Is it bad bad for healthy people? why at least once in awhile people can't feed their kids this kind of food? By look this almost looks like chocolate Idly.