Magic Home made Ketchup


Yes it is ketchup I am making today. No preservatives everything fresh. In my house I make lots of snacks and for everything we need ketchup. I always got worried about eating so much of ketchup and wondered if I can make it in my home. You just think about this normal store bought ketchup has so much of shelf life, how is it possible without adding so much of preservatives.So finally I started making my own ketchup. It is simple but takes lots of time.

Things needed

Tomato 1 kg
Onion 2
Garlic 10
Chili 6 or 7
Brown sugar 6 tsp
lime 2

Wash tomatoes and cut onion in four, add chili and Garlic. Take everything in microwave bowl and close it and microwave it for 10 minutes.

Grind cooked tomato mixture into fine paste. Strain it well. 

Grind  it 3 or 4 times and extract all the juice from tomatoes.

Pour it in a thick bottom pan and add salt, lime juice, brown sugar and cook it in high flame for minimum one hour. Stir it occasionally.

when water does not separate from sauce that is the right time to stop.

Cool it well and transfer it to the container. This ketchup lasted for 1 month   when I made it last time. After one day store it in fridge and serve.

 For variation you can roast red capsicum or Paprika and add it while grinding Tomatoes.

Enjoy Ketchup with all snacks without preservatives.

Happy Pongal

Make Millets pongal this festival and enjoy.


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