
Showing posts from March, 2016

Whole Wheat Foccacia Bread

For this Holi Holidays my daughter who is studying in Mumbai came home to surprise us. She has traveled all the way from Mumbai to Bangalore by bus to visit us.  When she visits home I am so happy that she shares my passion in cooking with me and we make many different dishes. You are the most happy person when others enjoy your effort and appreciate it. So this time o n the dish we prepared is this Foccacia Bread. I should not say we did it together, but happy to say that she taught me to make this bread. My only rule we cook is I will not use any plain flour and so here is the recipe of Whole Wheat Bread which we prepared together. Things Needed

Beet leaves Cooking

Yes Until my visit to Ooty in India I did not know that we cook an d eat Beet leaves. While visiting local market in Ooty saw it their in bunches. We always have this habit of visiting places where locals frequent. Every time when you visit such places you will learn their tradition and how they live and more details about those people.  Learned about Beet leaves newly in my this trip. Got those leaves and cooked it fresh with lentils. Tasted Yummy and it was meaty also. Cooked it just like our normal dal with greens. It tasted good with rice and I am sure will taste good with Rotis(Flat bread).